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Adjoa Tasha, Paradise And His Rich Boyfriend Relationship; Why Are They Trending – Everything Explained

Adjoa Tasha, Quophie Paradise And His Rich Boyfriend Relationship; Why Are They Trending – Everything Explained.  (Adjoa Tee and Bigg Paradise).

These Twitter Influencers; Adjoa Tasha and Quophie Paradise are currently on the trending list on X formerly ‘Twitter’. It is known to as that Paradise posted a short skit and it has cause commotion on X.

However a self-acclaimed critic – Bongo Ideas has revealed what these influencers are about, how they met, what has happened and others. Below is what he posted;

paradisee-300x170 Adjoa Tasha, Paradise And His Rich Boyfriend Relationship; Why Are They Trending - Everything Explained
Adjoa Tasha, Paradise’s And His Rich Boyfriend Relationship

In August 2019, Adjoa Tasha met a guy named Sam who had just returned to Ghana from the USA.

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– They started off as friends, but suddenly the friendship transitioned into a serious relationship. Adjoa Tasha, although she acts like a “hard girl,” immediately fell for the borga.

– It is believed that the borga’s constant showering of gifts on her, and the realization that he had deep pockets, motivated her to say “yes, yes, yes!”

– Meanwhile, at the time, Adjoa Tasha was supposedly in several relationships with other guys, which Sam would later discover while going through her phone.

– Realizing that she could make more from Sam, Adjoa Tasha started charging him a ‘maintenance fee’ in the region of GHC 5000, alongside setting up her salon and taking her on a trip to Dubai.

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Adjoa Tasha and Paradise

– In her mind, she had caught a big fish and didn’t want to share him with anybody, nor did she want the many other guys she was ostensibly in relationships with to know.

– Due to this, it is reported that Adjoa Tasha took a picture of Sam to a Mallam to “tie him down”. She did this with the hope that she could spiritually render him powerless so she could have him all to herself, responding swiftly to her beck and call.

– Fast forward, Paradise and Adjoa Tasha started hitting it off. It moved from just meeting at the studios of NK Salem to personal meets and dates.

– Sometimes, Paradise visited her at the apartment which her borga boyfriend had fully paid for. It raised eyebrows.

– Paradise was subsequently advised not to meet with the girl at her apartment, especially since another guy had paid for it.

– Guess what? He didn’t listen. Therefore, he was confronted when he went to meet the girl at her apartment in East Legon Ashaley Botwe…

– In the video, he stepped out of the apartment around 6 am when the guys accosted him, gave him a few hits, and told him to stay away.

Adjoa-Tasha-and-Paradise-Video-200x300 Adjoa Tasha, Paradise And His Rich Boyfriend Relationship; Why Are They Trending - Everything Explained
Adjoa Tasha and Paradise Video

– Paradise had made commitments like buying wigs for Adjoa Tasha for her birthday, so he felt he had a leeway for intimate access to her.

– That did not stop there. It looked like the two were actually in love or probably just wanted to chase clout online.

– Adjoa Tasha did not listen to her borga boyfriend and continued to frolic with Paradise and other guys until she was caught red-handed and had to beg.

– In the video, she was begging her boyfriend not to let the world know what she had done with Paradise because she believed it would destroy everything she had built.

– The boyfriend, there and then, called it quits and returned to the UK. However, Adjoa Tasha later reached out to him and said she was a changed woman.

– She thought she could use that as leverage to get the guy to keep sending her money for maintenance and to keep up with the fast-paced world of social media.

Boyfriend later found that she’s was in relationships with many other guys who she takes money from. Some of her old post reveal a lot about Adjoa Tasha.




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